The Heterosexual Genocide: An Archive of the Future

Year 2037-2072: After widespread environmental destruction (i.e. mass floods, melting of the ice caps, extinction of 40% of mammal species) due to global warming, eight-ninths of the earth’s population is killed. 8 of the 9 continents have been submerged underwater and only Oceania remains. A ruthless battle over what scant resources (clean water, food) are left on Oceania ensues and only tattered remains of the earth’s infrastructure is left standing.

Year 2072: In this crude society, all the societal acceptance that gay people achieved in the early and mid 2000's is brutally repressed, as the highest priority of Oceania is to reproduce its species. Gays are stigmatized and abused back to pre-1800 levels.   

Year 2072-2087: An underground network for LGBTQ people forms called Tresa. Within Tresa, there are three factions: 1.) the ASSIMILATIONISTS want to eradicate any internal awareness that there is any difference between them and heterosexuals: they want to assimilate into heterosexual society  2.) the ACCOMODATIONISTS  want to excel within society while “accommodating” heterosexual society's oppressions as best as they can, without "rocking the boat" 3.) The REJECTIONISTS are staunch purists who believe in violent, radical revolution against heterosexual society (the Rejectionists coalesce from a merging of the two sub-groups: QUEERS WITH GUNS and Queer Mutiny).

Year 2087-2093: Lucca, the "Malcolm X of the Queer Movement," emerges as the charismatic leader of the Rejectionists and coalesces a party called the Queer Guerilla Action Front (QGAF). Under Lucca, the Assimilationists and the Accommodationists within the Queer Guerilla Action Front are delegitimized and imprisoned, such that the Rejectionists are the ruling influence within QGAF. Lucca is intersex (born with genitals that could not be recognized as either male or female), and is understood to be a hermaphrodite. 

Year 2093-2099:  The QGAF eliminates opposition groups within Oceania’s Parliament, carrying a majority in the parliament. 

Year 2099-2126:   Just as in Argentina in the 1970’s children of the ruling class dropped out to join the Marxist Revolution/Peronist guerillas to fight against the corrupt military government's "Dirty Wars", members of the Heterosexual Regime drop out of the heterosexual class, De-Heterosexualize themselves, to join the Queer Guerilla Action Front.

Year 2120-2134:  "10 Ways to Kill a Straight," Lucca's 70-page manifesto about the necessity to commit genocide against the heterosexuals, is a wild best-seller. 
Drawing upon the ideas of post-colonial author Frantz Fanon who felt the only way for the colonized to surmount their oppression was through the  purifying, cathartic  experience of violence,  Lucca re-purposes seminal passages of Fanon’s “Wretched of the Earth” to apply to queer struggles, thereby melding post-colonial studies with queer studies. As Fanon said,

National liberation, national renaissance, the restoration of nationhood to the people, commonwealth: whatever may be the headings used or the new formulas introduced, decolonization is always a violent phenomenon. At whatever level we study it[…], decolonization is quite simply the replacing of a certain "species" of men by another "species" of men. Without any period of transition, there is a total, complete, and absolute substitution.

[…] The naked truth of decolonization evokes for us the searing bullets and bloodstained knives which emanate from it. For if the last shall be first, this will only come to pass after a murderous and decisive struggle between the two protagonists. That affirmed intention to place the last at the head of things, and to make them climb at a pace (too quickly, some say) the well-known steps which characterize an organized society, can only triumph if we use all means to turn the scale, including, of course, that of violence." (The Wretched of the Earth, 156:9).

The Tresa network organizes Frantz Fanon reading groups that spring up all over Oceania, and radio shows discuss  his ideas. Fanon’s haunting proverb:The last shall be first, and the first shall be lastbecomes the motto of the QGAF and  the precursor to widespread acceptance of  genocide. The Oceania establishment attempt to imprison Lucca for 293 days, but with the help of Queer Mutiny s/he narrowly escapes. 

Year 2138-2150:  QGAF take over the means of production of society (railroad system, industry, manufacturing, shipping, military, media, communications). 

Year 2150-2174: The Heterosexual Genocide: After the 24 years war between Gays and Heterosexuals, 9 million heterosexuals are tragically exterminated with a Heterosexual Anthraxan anthrax designed to specifically only kill heterosexuals within 37 seconds of contact. As such, mass deaths of heterosexuals all over the world ensue.(Support for use of the Heterosexual Anthrax increases after world-reknowned molecular biophysics scholar Jorion Littel, in year 2146, produced incontrovertible evidence that AIDS was a man-made government-sponsored bio-warfare invented by heterosexuals in the United States  [i.e. President Ronald Reagan administration] to decrease the gay population over a century ago, before the Floods). The rest of the heterosexuals are put in concentration camps, imprisoned, branded with a hot coal iron "H", and forced to live in labor camps. Here they undergo Heterosexual Re-Education Camp for 7 hours a day where they are taught that it is a moral failure and moral embarrassment to be heterosexual. 

Year 2244-2289: The United Federation of Queer States (UFQS) or Orsay is formed. A supra-national state based on the principle of the Eunuch-as-Ideal-Human (or a  Eunuch-ocracy). For instance, in Imperial China, in a corrupt web of treachery and power struggles, eunuchs were the only ones who could be trusted because they had no loyalties to the military, aristocracy, or family. Uncontaminated by the Heterosexual Regime, eunuchs had an ethereal otherwordly aura, valued for their high voice (as singers), kept in a childlike state of untethered “unbelonging” to the irrevocably corrupt roles of adulthood.   

Year 2401:Commemorating the Heterosexual: after over a century of being marginalized in society and living on reservations, the Association for Heterosexual Rights begins to clamor for a Heterosexual Museum, a Museum dedicated to the commemoration of a bygone era of heterosexual dominance over the world. Heterosexuality is now an obsolete and outdated belief system. 

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